
Spring is in the air! We can finally hide our winter coats and enjoy a bit of sunshine. This lovely season is also a refreshing time for your beard. With more sunshine and humidity in the air, it’s time to prepare your precious facial fluff for spring and do some cleaning.


Now that winter is over, your skin is more likely to be a bit dry and flaky because of the cold temperatures and the lack of humidity. This can cause a lot of dead skin on your face that can develop into beard dandruff. To avoid this, make sure to eliminate the unwanted dead skin by using a face exfoliator or scrub to get your mane and skin ready for spring.

Wash your beard regularly

As the weather gets warmer, the skin tends to create more sebum, which can lead to an oil slick on your skin. The best way to prevent this from happening, is to clean your beard every day and to use a beard wash at least 3 times per week. To moisturise your hair and skin even better, consider using a beard conditioner. It will combat flaky skin and prevent beard dandruff.

If you love Mo Bro’s brand then you’ll be happy to hear that we’re releasing a beard conditioner very soon, so keep your eye on our newsletters and social media.

Use less products


Since spring brings more humidity and it’s not that cold anymore, you can cut back on the amount of beard product you use. For example, start with 2-3 drops of beard oil instead of your usual amount and add more if necessary.

If you want your beard to feel lighter, yet hydrated at the same time, you can try using beard butter. This product is like the middleground between beard balm and beard oil – it will condition and nourish your precious mane, while leaving a matte finish, rather than a shiny one.

Brush and comb are your best friends

To keep your beard strong and healthy, it is important to include this step into your daily grooming routine. When you comb and brush your beard daily after applying the moisturiser, the teeth of the comb will evenly distribute this product to the areas that need it the most. It also helps to stimulate your scalp’s circulation, bringing nutrients to skin and beard to foster healthy beard growth.

Try lighter scents

DSC_5075Spring does not only refresh us with sunshine, but it also resets our sense of smell. Did you know that during the winter your sense of smell is muted? Molecules that get picked up by our sense of smell don’t spread as easily through the air in cold, dry conditions, so it’s harder for you to notice a fragrance from a cologne. This is one of the reasons we gravitate towards heavier, richer scents during the colder months.

Now that winter is over, our sense of smell returns in full force, so it makes sense to switch to lighter scents that don’t assault our noses. This goes for colognes as well as our beard oils. For example you can try some of our Special Edition beard oils like Sea Breeze and Tropical Burst.