Close up of man touching mustache

So you decided to come to the bearded side and let your hair grow wild? Great, but now what? If you already have a daily grooming routine, there’s only one thing left to do – trim it regularly to keep it in a good shape. Not everybody can afford or find time to visit a barber every week or two. The best solution is to get yourself some tools and do it yourself, so read our guide below to get to know how it works.

Give it some time

Just like with everything in life, it’s best to give it some time before you make important decisions. Have a look at your beard and think of how much you want to take off and what kind of style you are going for. You can find our guide to best beard styles for 2017 here. It’s best if you first visualise your idea and make sure you’re happy with it, before you actually do it.

Choose the right tools


So what tools will you need? To get good results you’ll need a trimmer or straight cut throat razor, scissors, a mirror and most importantly, patience.

We do recommend you to get a professional or hight quality pair of scissors. Why? Because even though a low quality or pharmacy brand scissors might do the job, professional pair of trimming scissors are designed to be far more comfortable and precise.

Take it slow

Once you picked the style you like and you’re ready to trim your beard, remember to start small. Kick things off with minor trims first to make sure that you don’t go overboard and take things too far. Small cuts will help you to slowly progress through your trim and it will make it easier to determine if you need to continue or have reached your goal.

Don’t leave your moustache out!


One of the important parts of trimming your facial hair is the moustache. Just don’t make one of the biggest grooming fails and shave the moustache. Trust us, it’s not a good idea! You just want to give it some shape. To start with, comb your moustache downwards and locate the stray hairs. Now you can grab your scissors and slowly start cutting it in a triangle shape with the top point of the triangle starting at the middle of your top lip. This kind of shape will make your moustache look neat, full and in top shape.

After trim care

Now that you’ve finishes trimming, it’s time to give it some after care and enjoy the results! Start with giving it a wash. Don’t forget to use a beard wash and conditioner, because they’re specifically formulated for facial hair and they’ll keep it soft and clean while not drying out your skin.

After you dry your beard use beard oil to keep it moisturised, hydrated and healthy. If you want your mane to look and feel good, you need to take a good care of it, so don’t skip this step and make sure to get yourself some good quality products.

Trimming can be a difficult task, but if you use the right tools and have a little patience you can master it in no time!