
This month Mo Bro’s was happy to meet Ben, who’s a professional shooter from Leicester. Ben accomplished a lot in his career, becoming a multiple time world champion, highly accomplished instructor and world renowned target setter. He surprised us with his active lifestyle and positive attitude. Ben did not only talk with us about his impressive career, but also shared his bearded experience.

How did you start your career?

I started shooting when I was 7 years old. I first got introduced to shooting when my father took me to this little fair. I really liked it, but I couldn’t afford to do it back then, so I started working at one of the shooting grounds for three days a week. Luckily, few years later my father started a business which got successful and he was able to buy the shooting ground, which let me progress from there. I went to my first world championship when I was 15 and I’ve been doing it ever since.

What are your biggest achievements?

I won the World Championship, European Championship, I hold the world record and I was the second youngest person ever to win the world’s championship.

How do you feel about your achievements? 

I don’t really look back at what my biggest achievements are, I try to look at what my next achievements will be. That’s why I don’t keep any trophies from events, if you would visit my house, you wouldn’t even know that I do shooting (laughs). I am not one of those people who look back and think how great they’ve been. I like to think that it’s not about what’s behind me that matters, but what’s in front of me that does.

IMG_1632What makes you focused?

I’m very goal orientated. I don’t do shooting because I enjoy shooting, I do it because that’s something that I’m very good at, and I get addicted to winning.

How does it feel when you’re out there shooting?

It makes me feel alive. It may not be a very popular sport and not a lot of people tend to do it, but to be one of the biggest players in the game, makes it feel worthwhile.

What’s your life motto? 

I have a tattoo saying ”Successful due to the fear of failure”. One of the things that I’ve learned from my dad is that it’s ok to make mistakes. I try not to live in the shadow because of the fear of failure.

Do you have any fears?

Not really. I believe that there’s nothing in life that can’t be overcome. I always say to people – just do it and see what happens. We all make mistakes, if you live in fear to fail, you tend to make even more.

How would you describe yourself?

Loud, confident and arrogant.

Ben and the Beard



When did you start growing your beard and why?

I’ve started growing a beard around a year ago when my best friend passed away. He drowned in the sea on his holiday and left his family with four kids behind. I was really upset and I just forgot to shave. Then one day I looked in the mirror and I though that I’ll just give it a go and let it grow. I had a beard for 9 months and it got pretty long. It was getting a little bit uncomfortable with the shooting so I shaved for charity and put the money towards my friend’s kids and now here we go again.

What is your daily grooming routine?

I brush my beard every morning and I use a razor to take the longer hairs off and I wash it in the evening. I also carry some products like beard oil with me in the car to moisturise my beard, because it gets dry during the day.

How did you find out about beard products?

One day when I was travelling from the world championship and in the airport I saw a lot of guys with long beards and big moustaches. I started talking to them and they told me that they were coming back from the World’s Beard and Moustache Championship. They shared their tips about the beard products that they were using and that’s how I heard about it for the first time.